Vacation ideas are always tough to come up with, you plan one thing and your son doesn’t want to do that or your wife has to work. There is always something that gets in the way. After months of planning, saving and searching for the best getaway deals, you’ve finally booked your long awaited family vacation. Your whole family is excited about spending time on the lake, boating and fishing, and on the trails, hiking and biking. You’ve packed enough sunscreen and bug repellent to last until Armageddon and your wardrobe is pretty much limited to swimsuits, sunglasses and flip flops. Sounds about perfect, right?

Unfortunately, while you’ve got all the makings of one of the best family vacations ever, the weather does not always cooperate with your vision. This is why it’s always a good idea to come prepared for rain and shine. A little bit of drizzle won’t dampen your spirits if you’ve arrive packing these tips and tricks. They’re guaranteed to bust any rainy day blues.

Here are a few vacation ideas for you to try out if you the rain takes a damper on your fun family trip:

Kick it Old School!

Remember board games? Yep, those archaic non-electronic forms of family fun and frivolity. They are one of your most reliable weapons in the fight against whiny kids and a stressed-out spouse. Bring your family’s favorites. Monopoly, Jenga, Twister, puzzles a deck of cards, whatever you want. A little friendly competition can go a long way!

Embrace the Rain!

Just because it is sunny doesn’t mean you can’t slip on your swimsuit. Why not get the family suited up and make a play date with the rain. Puddle jump, play a muddy game of baseball, and – as long as it is not storming – go for a swim. Be inventive and spontaneous. The best family vacations ideas aren’t planned minute by minute.

Bring a Good Book

Everyone can use a little quiet time. Make sure you pack some books for you and your kids. Depending on the age of your children, coloring books and wordsearchs are great kids activities for any day, rain or shine.

Have an Indoor Picnic

If the prospect of soggy sandwiches doesn’t really appeal to you, then keep your picnic inside. Lay a blanket on the ground and set up your spread. Something as simple as eating on the floor will add a little spice to an otherwise dreary day.

Worm Hunt

Break your family into teams and see which team can find the most worms. We suggest leaving the worms where they are and simply taking a tally. You can do the same thing with frogs. Winners get little treat bags of gummy worms! (This is going to require a little extra planning on your part.)

Rainbow Bubbles

Bring a few different bottles of bubble solution, wands and food coloring. Put a drop of food coloring in the different bottles of solution and let your kids loose. It`ll add an exciting explosion of color to a grey day.

The biggest issue before you go off on your travels is packing. Family vacations should be stress free (for the most part) so don’t let packing wear you down before you even leave your house

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