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11 02, 2014

Unique Outdoor Valentine’s Day Ideas She’ll Love

2020-04-13T20:11:58+00:00Cottage Experience, Uncategorized|

Valentine's Day, also known as Saint Valentine's Day, is a day dedicated to all things love. While the exact origins of the day remain muddled, it is generally agreed that the day was named after a Christian saint named Valentinus who was imprisoned and executed for marrying those who were not permitted to marry under law due to religious beliefs or socio-economic standing. Today, while not many people pay heed to the day's namesake, Valentine's Day is a notorious day in most countries around the world. Love it or hate it, February 14th has become synonymous with l'amour. There are [...]

31 01, 2014

Log Cabin Types: Round Logs vs Square Logs

2020-04-13T20:12:02+00:00Cottage Experience, Uncategorized|

Round Log vs Square Log: What's Your Preference? There isn't just one kind of log cabin. In fact, many log cabins are totally distinct, and their nuances are largely due to the particular preferences of their builder – especially when you look back at some of the original log cabins, which date back to Roman times. Nuances aside, there are a couple structural models for log cabins and it can be tricky to understand some of the more subtle differences between them. We’re going to make it easy for you and breakdown the big distinctions. Here we’ll discuss the 2 [...]

16 01, 2014

Ice Fishing Safety

2020-04-13T20:12:05+00:00Fishing Ontario, Uncategorized|

There’s nothing in the world quite like the refreshing solace, intimacy and beautiful surroundings that come with ice fishing. It’s no wonder it’s one of Canada’s favourite winter pastimes. However, all the beauty in the world isn’t worth it if you seriously injure yourself – or worse. Learning about ice fishing safety is perhaps the most vital element of ice fishing – and we take ice safety seriously. This is why we’ve compiled a list of the most important safety tips to remember when venturing out onto the ice.   BRING... An extra set of warm, dry clothes packed in [...]

9 01, 2014

The Differences between Cabins and Cottages

2020-04-13T20:12:09+00:00Cottage Experience, Uncategorized|

The differences between cabins and cottages can seem a little vague - and in some cases, they are! Cabins and cottages share many of the same characteristics; namely, providing a place to get away that's in the lap of nature. This could be by a lake or the seashore or nestled in the woods. Regardless, they are a welcome place to escape. There are, however, some differences between cabins and cottages. We're here to explore the most prominent. Cottages Physical Characteristics & Locations Cottages can be made of a variety of materials, ranging from wood to brick to stone to [...]

15 10, 2013

Adopt the Muskoka Chair

2020-04-13T20:12:20+00:00Ontario Vacations, Uncategorized|

For over 100 years, the Muskoka chair, also known as the Adirondack chair, has been a signature piece of furniture on the many patios and docks of cottages and resorts in Ontario - including the ones at the Loughborough Inn. So where did these popular chairs come from, and why are they so popular? The Muskoka chair is the chair's Canadian name. It was actually thought to be invented by American Thomas Lee in 1903. While on vacation in the Adirondack Mountains, Lee was inspired to create a comfortable chair for his summer home. He began work. His main objectives were [...]

2 10, 2013

The Best Fishing Trips

2020-04-13T20:12:24+00:00Fishing Ontario, Uncategorized|

The best fishing trips will let you focus on your fishing by taking care of everything else. The Loughborough Inn offers two distinct fishing trip packages that are sure to delight any angler. Both packages are all-inclusive, so there really is nothing to worry about - other than keeping your patience in check! Those fish will come! Loughborough Lake is well stocked with both smallmouth and largemouth bass, as well as Northern Pike - all of these are the most popular game fish in Ontario. The best fishing trips in Ontario will also offer you your choice of fishing boat rentals. [...]

23 09, 2013

Planning the Perfect Couples Boating Trip

2020-04-13T20:12:28+00:00Ontario Vacations, Uncategorized|

Looking for unique and exciting ideas for you and your sweety? Then why not try arranging a couples boating trip! This is a super fun, affordable and above all, memorable way for you to spend some quality time with your significant other. Here are our trips for planning your couples boating trip: 1) Decide where you want to tour. Maybe there is a nearby lake (like Loughborough Lake!), that you can get to in an hour or less. Maybe you want to make it an overnight trip and venture a little further away. It really doesn't matter! You can spend [...]

17 09, 2013

Activities For Kids

2020-04-13T20:12:36+00:00Ontario Vacations, Uncategorized|

In a world awash with technology, it can be hard to find activities for kids that involve them putting down the iPads and getting outside. One of the best ways to encourage your children to embrace the outdoors is to take them somewhere new and exciting. This will help break routine and ultimately make them more likely to accept a new adventure. You don't have to drop big bucks on a family vacation, but you should try to leave the realm of your daily life. Go out of town, do something new. You'll have a better chance of getting your children [...]

27 08, 2013

Fishing at the Land O’Lakes Fishing Tournament!

2020-04-13T20:12:42+00:00Fishing Ontario, Uncategorized|

The first ever Land O'Lakes Small and Largemouth Bass Fishing Tournament was an undisputed success! Kicking off at 7am on Saturday, August 17, 2013, this fishing derby proved itself to be a truly one-of-a-kind event that showcased fishing in Ontario. The Land O'Lakes Fishing Tournament attracted an impressive array of over 300 avid anglers. Participants cast off in five different lakes in the Kingston area, including Sharbot Lake, Desert Lake, Kashwakamak Lake, Big Gull Lake, and our very own Loughborough Lake. Needless to say, our Inn and Marina were hopping! The day itself was absolutely beautiful, which helped buoy the spirits [...]

26 08, 2013

The Ultimate Couples Retreat

2020-04-13T20:13:10+00:00Ontario Vacations, Uncategorized|

Your guide to the Ultimate couples retreat: Nothing brings couples closer together than spending a little time nestled in the bosom of nature. This isn't to say you have to rough it in the bush with a tent and a week's supply of toilet paper, but reconnecting with the great outdoors is a superior way to put the spark back in your relationship. The best way to plan a couples retreat is to do what makes you both happiest. Consider the likes and dislikes of your partner, not just yourself. By the same measure, don't put your happiness on the [...]

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