Time spent outdoors is vital for health, happiness, and an appreciation of the earth. Children especially benefit from the opportunity to relish the outdoors. It helps them release their energy and satisfies their curious minds’ yearning for wonder. Best of all, most fall outdoor activities that families can do together are very inexpensive, if not free. Families who tackle the outdoors together strengthen their bond and teach children essential life skills for making it on their own.

Outdoor family activities
1) Camping

No childhood is complete without one camping trip. Camping is a grand excursion that costs next to nothing, other than a tent, a tank of gas to drive to the location, and some franks and marshmallows to roast over a fire. Children will relish the opportunity to become little wildlings, and parents will appreciate the detox of urban life. With digital distractions removed, families can focus on playing games, being attentive of the forest, and having great conversations. Fall is a great time to go camping, but make sure if you’re going later on in the season that you pack warm sleeping bags and clothing. 

2) Hiking

If you need to be back home by dinner, hiking is a great activity to try out. Children will gain whole body fitness by traversing trails, hills, and channels. Breathing in the incredibly clean air of the forest is healing for lungs that are used to processing polluted city air. Escaping into nature offers incredible mental benefits and can bring a stressed out family back to harmony. You can point out different types of plants and animals to your children. City kids don’t get to see a huge variety of wildlife before their eyes, so this will be a novel experience.

3) Pumpkin gathering and apple picking

Nothing says fall quite like going to a farm and choosing your own pumpkin or picking your own apples. When the weather cools down is when cravings for those fall flavours arise, and sourcing your own ingredients is fun and satisfying. Your children can chomp apples as they gather them, and children are more than willing to climb a difficult branch to get to that perfect red delicious fruit. They can invite their friends with them, making the event a social one that will leave lifelong memories. 

4) Music festivals

Fall is prime time for music festivals. Open your kids’ minds to jazz, rock, classical, and modern by taking them to music festivals in those genres. Your kid will be bending their knees and bobbing their heads to the fun sounds, and parents will appreciate the art produced by each act. Maybe your kids will be inspired to take up music themselves. 
Whatever you choose to do, get your family outdoors and get them engaged. Their bodies and minds could certainly use an escape from the everyday routine, and the cooler fall weather makes it more comfortable to spend time outside. There’s so much going on in your area, so take advantage of opportunities in your neighbourhood to see what’s out there and give your family quality bonding time in the process. 
Loughborough Inn is located just 12 miles north of Kingston and encompasses 13 premier cottages. Call us at 1-833-864-9348 or contact us here